
California birth certificate
California birth certificate

Note: A reason for requesting a Restricted Photocopy must be provided, and it will only be released at the discretion of the Registrar General of Vital Statistics.

  • If a restricted photocopy is required, there is a $33.00 charge per certificate.
  • Pay by credit card, cheque or money order (payable to Government of the NWT).
  • Complete an Application for Birth Certificate form, providing all relevant information with respect to the application.
  • government departments approved by the Director of Vital Statistics, when required for legal or other legitimate purposes.
  • an officer of the Crown for official purposes.
  • a person who requires the certificate for use in a court of law, for adoption or for settlement of an estate.
  • an agent, or any other person, on the written authorization of the person concerned or the parents.
  • california birth certificate

    a child or grandchild of the person whose birth is registered.guardian, solicitor or legal agent) of the person whose name appears on the birth registration

    california birth certificate

  • individuals recorded as parents on the birth registration.
  • the person named on the birth registration.

  • California birth certificate